Je to malebné námestie a jedno z centier Santa Teresa. Príďte sem pre svoje skvelé reštaurácie, ktoré ponúkajú výborné jedlo, živú hudbu a…
Táto rušná nákupná štvrť má svoju osobitnú atmosféru. O všetkom sa môžete dostať - od karnevalových kostýmov až po etnické remeslá.
Najlepší zážitok v noci, keď sa otvárajú bary na ulici, skupiny bossa nova sa zhromažďujú a trhy pod holým nebom začínajú ponúkať svoje…
Fortaleza de Santa Cruz da Barra is a fort located in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.
A museum devoted to everything marine. Old vessels, artefacts from the depths, WWII warships and more can be seen here.
The Praça XV de Novembro, is a public square in the Centro section of the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
A popular attraction - star-gazing through one of the telescopes or at one of the domes is great and the Sunday concerts are a nice bonus.
The Pista Cláudio Coutinho is a walking/running trail located beneath Sugarloaf Mountain in the Rio de Janeiro neighborhood of Urca.
A tiny beach unfortunately unfit for swimming because of pollution. You can still walk around in the white sand, though.
Corcovado je 710 m vysoký vrchol nad městem Rio de Janeiro.
Olympijský park v Riu de Janeiru, nazývaný také Olympijský park Barra, je komplex devíti sportovišť a dalších zařízení vystavěných pro…
A part of the historical centre of the city. Nowadays there are restaurants, bars, shops and it is a great people-watching spot.
Domov známeho priemyselníka Castra Mayu. Ponúka vynikajúcu zbierku umenia brazílskych umelcov.
The Colonial mansion has been turned into a museum which holds jewellery and historical artefacts. The surroundings are nice, too.
Obrovský, pokojný park, kde si môžete vychutnať prírodu, obdivovať exponáty pod holým nebom a stretnúť sa s mnohými zvieratami Ria.
The Gustavo Capanema Palace, also known architecturally as the Ministry of Education and Health Building, is a government office building…
Museu Aeroespacial is a national aviation museum located in the West Side of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in the Administrative Region of…
Jeunesse Arena is an indoor multi-purpose arena, located in the region of Barra da Tijuca, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Petrobras Headquarters is a brutalist office building used by Petrobras in the Centro neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Táto malebná dlážděná ulica je postavená s reštauráciami a barmi a je tiež obľúbeným miestom stretávania obyvateľov Ria.
Carmen Miranda Museum, located in the Parque Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes, is a museum established in homage to singer and actress Carmen…