Kutub mínár je najvyšší minaret v Indii. Nachádza sa v meste Dillí a je súčasťou komplexu Kutub.
Železný stĺp v indickom Dillí v Kutubskom komplexe je jedným z najstarších svetových metalurgických monumentov.
Tento park ponúka viac ako 440 historických pamiatok, od hrobiek až po stepné studne, ktoré vznikli počas takmer tisícročia indiánskej…
Táto hrobka je miestom posledného odpočinku tretieho vládnuceho panovníka z rodu Mamlukovcov.
Select CITYWALK is a shopping centre located in the Saket District Centre, in Saket, New Delhi.
What used to be the grandest mosque in all of Delhi is now in ruins that still make for one of the most picturesque sights.
The former entrance to the complex is now dwarved by its other buildings, but still worth a look for its rich decor.
Qutb ul Aqtab Khwaja Sayyid Muhammad Bakhtiyar AlHussaini, Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki was a Sunni Muslim Sufi mystic, saint and scholar of…
Moth ki Mosque is a heritage building located in Delhi, and was built in 1505 by Wazir Miya Bhoiya, Prime Minister during the reign of…