London Eye je vyhliadkové koleso v Londýne a tretie najväčšie vyhliadkové koleso na svete, vyššie je už iba Singapore Flyer a Hviezda…
Tate Modern je britské národné múzeum moderného umenia, nachádzajúce sa v Londýne. Spolu s Tate Britain, Tate Liverpool a Tate St.
Príďte sa pozrieť na modernú repliku divadla, kde sa prvýkrát predstavili niektoré Shakespearove hry.
Shard London Bridge je mrakodrap v londýnskom mestskom obvode Southwark.
Jeden z najväčších a najstarších trhov s potravinami v Londýne. Tento trh ponúka pochúťky z celého sveta.
Happy Valley Park is a public park in Coulsdon in the London Borough of Croydon. It is owned and managed by Croydon Council.
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew is a non-departmental public body in the United Kingdom sponsored by the Department for Environment, Food and…
Richmond Park je najväčší kráľovský park v Londýne. Nachádza sa v obvode Richmond.
Navštívte najväčšie tenisové múzeum na svete! Obsahuje veľkú zbierku predmetov a odevov, z ktorých niektoré pochádzajú zo 16. storočia.
Thorpe Park, formerly also known as Thorpe Park Resort, is a theme park located in the village of Thorpe between the towns of Chertsey and…
Chessington World of Adventures Resort is a 128 acres theme park, zoo and hotel complex in Chessington, Greater London, England, around 12…
Kew Palace is a British royal palace within the grounds of Kew Gardens on the banks of the River Thames.
Ham House is a 17th-century house set in formal gardens on the bank of the River Thames in Ham, south of Richmond in the London Borough of…
Magna carta alebo Veľká listina, na Slovensku tradične známa aj ako Magna charta libertatum alebo Veľká listina slobôd, bol základný zákon…
The McLaren Technology Centre is the headquarters of the McLaren Group and its subsidiaries, located on a 500,000 m2 site in Woking, Surrey…
Brooklands Museum is a motoring and aviation museum occupying part of the former Brooklands Motor Course in Weybridge, Surrey, England.
Guildford Castle is in Guildford, Surrey, England. It is thought to have been built by William the Conqueror, or one of his barons, shortly…
The Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit, Guildford, commonly known as Guildford Cathedral, is the Anglican cathedral in Guildford, Surrey,…
Polesden Lacey is an Edwardian house and estate, located on the North Downs at Great Bookham, near Dorking, Surrey, England.
The Baitul Futuh is a mosque complex of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, situated in Morden, London.