Zytglogge, İsviçre'nin Bern şehrinde bulunan Ortaçağ kulesidir. 13. yüzyılın başlarında inşa edilen kule şehre; nöbet kulesi, hapishane,…
Bern Minster is a Swiss Reformed cathedral in the old city of Bern, Switzerland. Built in the Gothic style, its construction started in 1421.
The Einsteinhaus is a museum and a former residence of Albert Einstein. It is located on Kramgasse No. 49 in Bern, Switzerland.
The Zähringerbrunnen is a fountain on Kramgasse in the Old City of Bern, Switzerland.
The Church of St. Peter and Paul is a Christian Catholic church in Bern, Switzerland.
The Simsonbrunnen or Samson fountain is a fountain on the Kramgasse in the Old City of Bern, Switzerland.