Karakulak, kedigiller familyasından vahşi bir hayvan türü.
Bayağı kuzgun, karakarga veya kelağ, kargagiller familyasından Corvus cinsine ait, zekası, büyüklüğü ve simsiyah olması ile dikkat çeken…
Macaca sylvanus, Macaca cinsine bağlı bir hayvan türüdür. Cezayir'deki Atlas Dağları'nda, Fas'ta ve Cebelitarık'ta bulunurlar.
The South American coati, also known as the ring-tailed coati, is a coati species and a member of the raccoon family, found in the tropical…
The Dexter is an Irish breed of small cattle. It originated in the eighteenth century in County Kerry, in south-western Ireland, and appears…
The Girgentana is an Italian breed of domestic goat indigenous to the province of Agrigento, in the southern part of the Mediterranean…