Monte Grande

Yerel adıMonte Grande

Monte Grande is a city which forms part of the urban agglomeration of Greater Buenos Aires. It is the administrative seat of Esteban Echeverría Partido in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina.

It was founded on April 3, 1889, by a company named Sociedad Coni, Sansisena y Cía., and has an area of 22.57 km2 and a population of 109,644 inhabitants.

Named for the Pago de Monte Grande founded by a Spanish Empire Conquistador, the town initially grew around tala and ombú forests, to which vineyards and peach trees were later added. The Sociedad Coni, Sansinena y Cía., prominent Avellaneda-area saladero operators, purchased the land from the Fair family in 1889; Governor Máximo Paz signed a bill establishing Monte Grande on April 3 of that year.

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Koordinatları -34°49'9.384" N -58°27'59.133" E

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