Şehirdeki en eski bina mimari bir mücevherdir ve Brno'nun ikonik 'ejderha'sını ve tekerleğini tutar.
İçeride bazı sergiler var ama belki de en ilginç olanı, saatlerce kulenin tepesine tırmanmak.
İçindeki 'ejderha' Brno'nun bir sembolüdür, içindeki öyküyü mutlaka okuyun.
Apr - Sep: daily 9:30 am - 6 pm
Last admission 30 minutes before closing time.
The tower is open year-round; the historical halls close at the end of September.
Guided tours are included in the admission. They are available from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm on the hour.
Adults: CZK 50
Children under 15, students, seniors: CZK 25
Children under 1m: free
Family (2 + 2): CZK 100
Wikipedia (Czech) http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stará_radnice_(Brno)
Official website http://ticbrno.cz/en/old-city-hall
Visitor information http://ticbrno.cz/en/contact-old-city-hall
E-posta sedlakova@ticbrno.cz
Telefon +420 542 427 106
Adres Radnická 369/10, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Koordinatları 49°11'35.394" N 16°36'31.165" E