
Yerel adıReston
KonumContiguous United States, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri

Reston is a census-designated place in Fairfax County, Virginia, and a principal city of the Washington metropolitan area. As of the 2020 U.S. Census, Reston's population was 63,226.Founded in 1964, Reston was influenced by the Garden City movement that emphasized planned, self-contained communities that intermingled green space, residential neighborhoods, and commercial development. The intent of Reston's founder, Robert E. Simon, was to build a town that would revolutionize post–World War II concepts of land use and residential/corporate development in suburban America. In 2018, Reston was ranked as the Best Place to Live in Virginia by Money magazine for its expanses of parks, lakes, golf courses, and bridle paths as well as the numerous shopping and dining opportunities in Reston Town Center.

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Koordinatları 38°57'30.246" N -77°21'28.707" E

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