丹麦-普鲁士战争的纪念碑被当地人昵称为“金色丽齐”(Golden Lizzie)。最初,它位于国王广场(Königsplatz),但在第二次世界大战期间被纳粹移建。
分子人雕塑 是德国柏林的一个城市雕塑,1999年5月由美国雕塑家乔纳森·博罗夫斯基创作。雕塑由三个人形组成,位于施普雷河中央,埃尔森桥和奥伯鲍姆桥之间。雕塑所在位置大致为柏林克罗伊茨贝格、旧特雷普托和腓特烈斯海恩这三个下属区的交点。
王子的行列 ,是位于德国萨克森州德累斯顿的一幅大型壁画,画于1871年至1876年之间,是为了庆祝萨克森统治者韦廷王朝800周年纪念而绘。为了防水,在1904年至1907年期间,壁画贴上了23,000片瓷片。王子的行列总长度达102米,被称为世界最大的陶瓷艺术品。
艺术廊街 位于德累斯顿外新城格尔利茨街25号,延伸至明矾街 。它是根据德累斯顿建筑师穆勒·穆勒、克内尔和朗、海克·博彻和迈耶·巴辛的计划设计的,于2001年竣工。
法兰克福铁桥 是位于德国城市法兰克福的一座桥梁,修建于1868年,长170米,宽5.4米。现在法兰克福铁桥已经成为法兰克福的地标。
Kiefernstraße is a street in the Flingern-Süd district of Düsseldorf that became notorious in the 1980s for squatting.
Walking Man is a 1995 sculpture by Jonathan Borofsky, standing 17 metres tall and weighing 16 tonnes.
This bronze sculpture commemorates the history of Düsseldorf. It reminds of wars and battles won, and other important historic achievements.
Neptunbrunnen is a fountain located in the Alter Botanischer Garten of Munich, Germany.
Uelzen is a railway station located in Uelzen, Germany, at the eastern edge of the Lüneburg Heath Nature Park.
Tiger and Turtle – Magic Mountain is an art installation and landmark in Duisburg, Germany, built in 2011.
St Peter's Church is a Roman Catholic church in Cologne, run by the Jesuits.
A Futuro house, or Futuro Pod, is a round, prefabricated house designed by Finnish architect Matti Suuronen, of which fewer than 100 were…
This gallery focuses on contemporary art and the most recent trends. Well worth visiting especially if you're an art fan.
Edwin Scharff was a German sculptor. He was born in Neu-Ulm and died in Hamburg.