国会山庄 位于加拿大安大略省渥太华市中心,坐落渥太华河南岸的官地,为加拿大国会建筑群所在。国会建筑呈哥德复兴风格,加上其政治核心地位,每年吸引约300万人次的访客到此游览。
The ByWard Market, is a retail and entertainment district in the downtown core of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
国家战争纪念碑 是加拿大渥太华一个高大的花岗岩纪念拱门,是联邦广场的焦点,靠近国会山。它建造的初衷是为了纪念在第一次世界大战中阵亡的加拿大人,1939年由英国雕塑家Vernon…
加拿大冷战博物馆 是一个前加拿大军事基地,正式名字是“紧急时刻政府指挥中心 。 其位于加拿大安大略省的Carp小镇,…
The Dominion Observatory was an astronomical observatory in Ottawa, Ontario that operated from 1902 to 1970.
The Brockville Railway Tunnel, also called the Brockville Tunnel, is a former railway tunnel located beneath the downtown of Brockville,…
Upper Canada Village is a heritage park near Morrisburg, Ontario, which depicts a 19th-century village in Upper Canada.
The Dominion Observatory was an astronomical observatory in Ottawa, Ontario that operated from 1902 to 1970.