The Rynek Underground museum of Kraków is situated below the market square of the city.
克拉科夫瓮城 是一座曾经与城墙及圣福里安门相连的瓮城,控制进入克拉科夫老城的入口。,建于1498年,是克拉科夫城墙残留的少量遗迹之一 现在是一处旅游景点,举办各种展览。
Muzeum Farmacji Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego is a museum on Floriańska Street, Kraków, Poland, specializing in the…
The Galicia Jewish Museum is located in the historic Jewish district of Kazimierz in Kraków, Poland.
The Seweryn Udziela Ethnographic Museum of Kraków is a museum in Kazimierz, Kraków, Poland. It was established in 1902.
恰尔托雷斯基博物馆 位于波兰克拉科夫,由伊莎贝拉·恰尔托雷斯卡公主于1796年创立。
The John Paul II Cathedral Museum is a museum in Kraków, Poland. It is situated on Wawel Hill, between the Vasa Gate and the former seat of…
以撒会堂 是一座犹太会堂,建于1644年,位于波兰克拉科夫历史悠久的卡齐米日区。它得名于其捐助者,雅各的儿子以撒 ,也叫财主以撒,是国王瓦迪斯瓦夫四世的银行家。犹太会堂是由在波兰工作的意大利人Francesco Olivierri设计。雅各的儿子以撒安葬在Remuh 公墓。
克拉科夫历史博物馆 是位于波兰城市克拉科夫的一座博物馆。克拉科夫历史博物馆收藏并展示与克拉科夫的历史有关的藏品。
Stained Glass Workshop and Museum - a specialty museum in Krakow, Poland dedicated to stained glass art and history.
The Gallery of 19th-Century Polish Art at Sukiennice, is a division of the National Museum, Kraków, Poland.
The EUROPEUM – European Culture Centre is a division of the Kraków National Museum housing a permanent exhibition of European art.
The Kraków Museum of Insurance is a former museum in Kraków, Poland which was dedicated to insurances. It was established in 1987.