塞德莱茨藏骨堂 ,中文俗称人骨教堂,是位于捷克库特纳霍拉郊区诸圣公墓 中的一座小型罗马天主教小圣堂,是世界文化遗产“历史城区及圣巴巴拉教堂和塞德莱茨的圣母大教堂”的一部分。
克里沃克拉城堡 是位于捷克共和国中波希米亚州城镇克里沃克拉的一座城堡。这座城堡始建于12世纪,属于波希米亚国王。城堡在历史上发生过多次大火。现在这座城堡是一座博物馆。
意大利宫 位于捷克库特纳霍拉,原为中央造币厂,得名于意大利铸造专家。造币的主要区域位于庭院周围。意大利宫在14世纪末重建后,亦作为行宫使用。
Mining Museum Příbram is a large open-air museum of mining with historical buildings and expositions of mining history and mineralogy.
This fascinating museum will take you through peculiar spaces which now seem out of time and place, but in fact once were a part of a…
This intereting museum will show you how people used to live in Bohemia in the previous centuries. A nice way to spend a couple of hours.
Military Technical Museum Lešany is a museum of military vehicles located in Lešany in the Central Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic.
A captivating museum presenting the traditional way of life in Central Bohemia.