昂热大教堂 是法国的一座天主教堂,位于昂热,是天主教昂热教区的主教座堂。昂热大教堂修建于11世纪至16世纪期间。1862年,昂热大教堂被列入法国的国家纪念建筑。教堂融合了罗曼史建筑和哥特式建筑风格,并且其彩色的玻璃花窗也颇为著名。教堂入口处的雕刻亦十分精美。
Terra Botanica is an amusement and botanical park in Angers.
The Musée des beaux-arts d'Angers is a museum of art located in a mansion, the "logis Barrault", place Saint-Éloi near the historic city of…
The Arboretum Gaston Allard, also known as the Arboretum d'Angers and formerly the Arboretum de la Maulévrie, is a municipal arboretum…
The gallery displays sculptures of Pierre-Jean David d'Angers. It's set in the former Toussaint Abbey.
欧洲生态-绿党 是法国的一个环境保护主义政党,成立于2010年11月13日,由绿党和欧洲生态两党合并而成。
总工会 是一个成立于1895年法国利摩日的全国性工会组织,是法国五大工会联盟中最先成立的。法国总工会是以“劳工交易所”…
Angers Bridge, also called the Basse-Chaîne Bridge, was a suspension bridge over the Maine River in Angers, France.
The French Democratic Confederation of Labour is a national trade union center, one of the five major French confederations of trade unions…
The General Confederation of Labor - Workers' Force, is one of the five major union confederations in France.
The French Confederation of Christian Workers is one of the five major French confederation of trade unions, belonging to the social…