Ödön Lechner was a Hungarian architect, one of the prime representatives of the Hungarian Szecesszió style, which was related to Art…
人民公园 是匈牙利首都布达佩斯最大的公园,位于布达佩斯对市中心的东南部,面积110公顷 。人民公园的兴建是为了纪念佩斯、布达、旧布达三地合并100周年。这里也是1936年匈牙利大奖赛的场地。
The Kőbánya cellar system or cellar system of Kőbánya, sometimes known to non-Hungarians simply as the Kőbánya Mine, or the Kobanya Mine,…
New Public Cemetery is the largest cemetery in Budapest and one of the largest in Europe with an area of about 2.07 km2 and 3 million…
The Kőbánya cellar system or cellar system of Kőbánya, sometimes known to non-Hungarians simply as the Kőbánya Mine, or the Kobanya Mine,…