里原宿 是日本东京都涩谷区的神宫前到同区的千駄谷之间一带多间潮流服装店的总称。大多数店铺沿着原宿通 及旧涩谷川游步道…
歌舞伎町 是日本东京都新宿区的町名,为餐饮店、娱乐场所、电影院等集中地,是日本少数的大型红灯区之一。
This huge building hides both a shopping mall and a huge arcade with games and dozens of special shops.
A smaller shrine devoted to the Manekineko - the small figurine believed to bring money and good luck.
This showroom provides insight into the world of technology. Visit to see interactive exhibitions, or attend a Nintendo gaming tournament!
这座雕像位于上野公园的北部边缘,纪念19世纪的武士Sa泽隆森 - 萨摩叛乱的领导人,也是日本最着名的历史人物之一。这座雕像已成为公园内最着名的景点之一,是Koun Takamura的作品。它于1898年亮相。
This building of curved shape is a real eye candy for all architecture connoisseurs. Its glass facade reflects the sunlight.
The venue is a part of a karaoke chain. This one in particular was made famous by the movie Lost in Translation.
Take a walk in this stunning Japanese garden which will allow you to rejuvenate your body and mind. There's also a teahouse here.
This skyscraper is a great example of structural expressionism. It houses some offices, a media tower and an observation platform.
山寺芭蕉纪念馆 位于日本山形县山形市。1989年4月,作为山形市庆祝市制实施100周年活动的一部分,纪念300年前松尾芭蕉参拜山寺 ,市政府在山寺地区建造了纪念馆。1989年7月9日,纪念馆在面向立石寺的台地上开放。
An exciting karaoke venue located on the 47th floor of this majestic tower. Perfect if you fancy some nice views while singing.
东京艺术剧场 ,位于东京都丰岛区西池袋的综合艺术文化设施,由东京都历史文化财团管理和营运。艺术总监为野田秀树。