茵莱湖 是一个缅甸掸邦娘瑞的淡水湖泊,位于掸邦高原之上。面积116平方公里,为缅甸第二大湖泊,是缅甸有名的观光地。
Dhammayangyi Temple is a Buddhist temple located in Bagan, Myanmar. Largest of all the temples in Bagan, the Dhammayan as it is popularly…
The Shwezigon Pagoda or Shwezigon Paya is a Buddhist stupa located in Nyaung-U, Myanmar.
曼德勒山 高236米,位于缅甸曼德勒市中心的东北部。曼德勒城即因山而得名。曼德勒山以其众多的佛教建筑而闻名,山上共有231座大佛塔和寺院,1000多座的小寺院。近两个世纪以来一直是缅甸佛教徒的主要朝圣地。
Kuthodaw Pagoda is a Buddhist stupa, located in Mandalay, Burma, that contains the world's largest book.
The Thatbyinnyu Temple is a Theravada Buddhist temple in Bagan, Myanmar.
The Mahamuni Buddha Temple is a Buddhist temple and major pilgrimage site, located southwest of Mandalay, Myanmar.
耶涯大坝 是缅甸目前已经竣工的最大的水电站项目,属于缅甸的国家重点工程,号称“缅甸的三峡工程”。坐落在距曼德勒直线距离52公里的皎克西镇耶瓦村附近米界河,总装机容量790兆瓦…
Thanlwin Bridge was the longest bridge in Myanmar before the construction of Pakouku Bridge and connects the city of Mawlamyaing with…
The Kaunghmudaw Pagoda is a large pagoda on the northwestern outskirts of Sagaing in central Myanmar.
联邦议会是缅甸联邦共和国两院制立法权力机构,由上院民族院 () 和下院人民院 () 组成。目前最大政党是全国民主联盟。