城堡山 ,又名乔治堡 是位于加拿大新斯科舍省哈利法克斯的一座历史遗迹,曾是英国与法国在加拿大对峙时英国的重要据点。城堡山包括了多个防御据点,现在的城堡山已经恢复了维多利亚时代的景致。
大西洋海事博物馆 是一座位于加拿大新斯科舍省哈利法克斯市中心的海事博物馆,该博物馆是新斯科舍省博物馆的机构成员,是加拿大历史最悠久、规模最大的海事博物馆。
The Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, is Canada's national museum of immigration.
The Halifax Farmers' Market is the oldest continuously operating farmer's market in North America having been founded in 1750.
The Prince of Wales Tower is the oldest martello tower in North America and is located in Point Pleasant Park, Halifax Regional…
Halifax Shopping Centre, located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, is Atlantic Canada's largest multi-building shopping centre.
The Bayers Lake Mystery Walls are a series of stone structures and walls of unknown origin and uncertain age in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
The Naval Museum of Halifax is a Canadian Forces museum located at CFB Halifax in the former official residence of the Commander-in-Chief…
Sir Sandford Fleming Park is a 95-acre Canadian urban park located in the community of Jollimore in Halifax Regional Municipality.
The Naval Museum of Halifax is a Canadian Forces museum located at CFB Halifax in the former official residence of the Commander-in-Chief…
McNabs Island is the largest island in Halifax Harbour located in Halifax Regional Municipality, Nova Scotia, Canada.
The Bella Rose Arts Centre is a community-based proscenium theatre performing arts centre located inside of Halifax West High School in the…
Barrington Street is a major street in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, running from the MacKay Bridge in the North End approximately 7 km…
The University of King's College, established in 1789, is in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Africville was a small community of predominantly African Nova Scotians located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Mount Saint Vincent University, often referred to as the Mount, is a public, primarily undergraduate, university located in Halifax, Nova…
德国小教堂 是加拿大哈利法克斯第二古老的建筑物,仅次于圣公会圣保罗堂。它于1756年开工,1760年献堂,并增加了尖顶。它是为德国新教徒而建,是加拿大现存最古老的与德国移民及路德宗有关的地点。1997年公布为加拿大国家历史遗产。
Conrose Park, also known as the Horsefield, is a Canadian urban park in Halifax, Nova Scotia in the western area of the Halifax Peninsula.