Universeum is a public science centre, zoo and public aquarium in Gothenburg, Sweden that opened in 2001.
The National Museum of World Culture opened in Gothenburg, Sweden, in 2004.
旧乌利维球场 是位于瑞典哥德堡的足球场,于2009年4月5日开放,取代该城建于1916年同样名为旧乌利维的球场,其本名原为“乌利维球场” ,直到1958年为世界杯而建的“新乌利维球场” 揭幕才改称“旧乌利维球场”。
AtmosFear is a 116-metre-tall drop tower located in Liseberg amusement park in Gothenburg, Sweden, and is the third tallest drop tower in…