库莱斯堡 ,意大利人称之为“沿海堡垒” 是希腊克里特岛伊拉克利翁的一座堡垒,位于旧港口入口处。它是由威尼斯共和国在16世纪初建造,今天仍然保存完好,对公众开放。
斐斯托斯 是克里特岛南部平原西端的一个古代米诺斯文明遗址,几乎位于岛的中央。它是米诺斯时期的重要城址,拥有一座宫殿建筑,后与克诺索斯的宫殿毁于同一时期。在这里发现了著名的斐斯托斯圆盘,上面刻有谜一般的古文字。
戈尔蒂纳 是希腊克里特大区伊拉克利翁专区的一个市镇,也是一处考古遗址,位于克里特岛中南部。此处曾为罗马克里特与昔兰尼加行省的首府,最早在约公元前700年就有人在这一区域定居。如今的市镇面积为464.8平方公里,2011年人口数量为15,632人。
Encircling the city, these walls remember much more than just the Venetians. Definitely visit if you're in the town.
The first public fountain in the city, built by the Venetians and still working. Decorated by the head of an ancient statue.
The Cathedral of Saint Titus also known as Hagios Titos, is an Orthodox church in the city of Heraklion, Crete, dedicated to Saint Titus.
水族馆 或海洋世界 是希腊第一座大型水族馆,位于希腊克里特岛Gournes镇附近,在伊拉克利翁以东15公里处,开放于2005年12月。
The Viannos massacres were a mass extermination campaign launched by German forces against the civilian residents of around 20 villages…
The Keras Kardiotissas Monastery or simply Keras Monastery is an Eastern Orthodox monastery dedicated to Virgin Mary that is situated…
圣弥纳主教座堂 是一个希腊正教会主教座堂,位于希腊伊拉克利翁,为君士坦丁堡普世牧首区的克里特岛总教区的总部。它建于1862-1895年之间,在1866–1869年克里特岛革命期间曾经中断。它是希腊最大的教堂之一,可容纳8,000人。
Malia is a coastal town and municipal unit in the northeast corner of the Heraklion region of Crete, Greece, part of the municipality of…
Hagia Triada is a Minoan archaeological site in Crete. The site includes the remains of an extensive settlement as well as a large structure…
Gortyna, or Gortyn, was a town of ancient Crete which appears in the Homeric poems, under the form of Γορτύν; but afterwards became usually…
Hagia Triada is a Minoan archaeological site in Crete. The site includes the remains of an extensive settlement as well as a large structure…
Gortyna, or Gortyn, was a town of ancient Crete which appears in the Homeric poems, under the form of Γορτύν; but afterwards became usually…
埃莱夫塞里奥斯·基里亚科斯·韦尼泽洛斯 是希腊现代历史上最著名的政治家之一,曾七次出任希腊王国首相,共12年之久;他更是20世纪上半最杰出的希腊政治家,但他领导的自由共和派严重敌视、斗争保王派 ,急剧深化了希腊人民与党派的裂痕。