The Pavlos Vrellis Greek History Museum also known as Pavlos Vrellis Museum of Wax Effigies is a privately owned wax museum in Ioannina…
多多纳 是位于希腊西北部伊庇鲁斯的一个神谕处。虽然多多纳最早的铭文历史只能追溯至约公元前550-560年,但当地延续逾一世纪的考古发掘则出土了早至迈锡尼时代的文物。这些文物部分被存放于雅典国家考古博物馆,部分则存放于约阿尼纳附近的考古博物馆。
The Byzantine Museum of Ioannina is housed in one of the buildings of citadel of Ioannina, the capital of the Epirus region in northwestern…
The Lingiades massacre, on 3 October 1943, was a Nazi German war crime committed by members of the 1st Mountain Division of the Wehrmacht…
The Vikos Gorge or Vikos Canyon is a gorge in the Pindus Mountains of north-western Greece.
约阿尼纳湖 是希腊的湖泊,位于伊庇鲁斯大区,长7.9公里、宽5.4公里,面积19.4平方公里,海拔高度470米,平均水深4.5米,最大水深11米,湖中有一座岛屿。
希腊2号国道,又称艾格纳提亚公路 ,为希腊境内的一条高速公路,西起伊古迈尼察,东至希土边境的Kipoi,总长度670km。该公路为欧洲E90公路的一部分。该公路于1990年代动工,2009年通车。
The Fethiye Mosque is an Ottoman mosque in Ioannina, Greece.
萨拉卡察尼人 ,居住在希腊的一个族群,以传统的迁移性放牧为生,是希腊的原住民,在毗邻的保加利亚、阿尔巴尼亚南部和马其顿共和国也有少量分布。历史上,萨拉卡察尼人以品都斯山脉和希腊本土的其他山脉为中心,如今绝大多数已放弃游牧生活,城市化的程度已颇为显著。
Mount Smolikas is a mountain in the Ioannina regional unit, northwestern Greece.
The Archaeological Museum of Ioannina is a museum located in Litharitsa Park in the centre of Ioannina, Greece.