提洛岛 ,是爱琴海上的岛屿,位于基克拉泽斯群岛的中心地带。面积3.4平方公里,2011年人口数量为24人。行政上该岛属于希腊南爱琴大区米科诺斯专区米科诺斯市镇。
The main shopping street in Mykonos town offers countless shopping opportunities - everything from souvenirs to jewellery and clothes.
The Church of Panagia Paraportiani is situated in the neighbourhood of Kastro, in the town of Chora, on the Greek island of Mykonos.
米科诺斯岛 ,是希腊爱琴海基克拉泽斯群岛中的一个岛屿,位于提诺岛、锡罗斯岛、帕罗斯岛和纳克索斯岛之间。该岛占地85.5平方公里 ,最高点海拔341米 。根据2011年的人口普查,该岛共有10,134名居民,其中大多数人居住在岛上最大的西海岸城镇米科诺斯。该城镇也被称为霍拉…
Seemingly inconspicuous, this house is preserved as it was lived in until the 19th century. This place will touch your heart.