The Bob Marley Museum is a museum in Kingston, Jamaica, dedicated to the reggae musician Bob Marley.
蓝山 ,牙买加东部山脉。从金斯敦以北13公里处的斯托尼希尔向东延伸约50公里到加勒比海,最高点蓝山峰海拔2,256 米。山上长着茂密的蕨类植物,面向信风的山坡年均降雨量5000毫米。冬季温度可降至7°C。在当地海拔2,000至5…
Blue Mountain Peak is the highest mountain in Jamaica and one of the highest peaks in the Caribbean at 2,256 metres.
Brand new park built to promote the ideas of liberation, democracy and equality. Amazing public space full of greenery, statues and music.
皇家港 ,音译为卢瓦尔港,是17世纪一直到18世纪初位于牙买加金斯敦附近的一座城市,也是当时加勒比海地区的航运中心。在17世纪曾被称为“西方最邪恶的城市”。
Unique heritage site holding astonishing number of Jamaican, Caribbean, English and French antiques. Join the tour if interested.
Fort Charles was built between 1650 and 1660, the first fort constructed in Port Royal, Jamaica.