Ghostbuster的粉丝们主要被称为“ Spook Central”,一定会在几秒钟内识别出它。快来和您从小在电视上看过的其中一栋建筑物拍照。
达科他公寓 是一座位于美国纽约市曼哈顿上西城72号街和中央公园西路口西北角的公寓楼,修建于1884年,是曼哈顿最为著名的住宅楼之一。修建于1880年10月25日至1884年10月27日期间。1969年,达科他公寓被评为纽约市地标,1972年列为国家史迹名录…
在这里,您可以轻松获得纽约市最好的饼干。他们只有4种不同的种类,然而,人们从这里来到这个城市购买一些。您还可以在这里获得各种其他美味的糕点 - 例如葡萄干,松饼,蛋挞,还有法式长棍面包或ciabattas。
人们喜欢Shake Shack因为美味的汉堡,薯条和热狗。门外经常有一条线,但食物值得等待。您甚至可以通过应用程序订购餐点,然后只需拿起它即可。即便是素食者也会在菜单上找到一些美味的汉堡。
Gray's Papaya is a hot dog restaurant located at 2090 Broadway at 72nd Street in New York City.
罗斯地球和空间中心是美国纽约市美国自然历史博物馆的一部分,它的全称是The Frederick Phineas and Sandra Priest Rose Center for Earth and Space…
The Ansonia is a condominium building at 2109 Broadway, between 73rd and 74th Streets, on the Upper West Side of Manhattan in New York City.
Luke供应美味的龙虾卷和缅因州的其他新鲜海鲜,从不让美食和价格实惠的美食爱好者失望。这家连锁餐厅的主要特色之一是它提供可追溯的食品和饮料,其供应商是当地的小企业。记住这一点 - 当你来到这里寻找美味的龙虾时,你也可以帮助某人的事业蓬勃发展。
The New-York Historical Society is an American history museum and library in New York City, along Central Park West between 76th and 77th…
The Children’s Museum of Manhattan is located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan in New York City.
Over 100 years, Barney Greengrass has been preparing fish specialties such as whitefish salads, herrings or caviar. Give it a try!
The Church of St. Paul the Apostle is a Catholic church on the Upper West Side of Manhattan in New York City.
72街车站 是纽约地铁IRT百老汇-第七大道线一个快车地铁站,位于曼哈顿上西城72街、百老汇及阿姆斯特丹大道交界 。设有1号线、2号线与3号线 列车服务。
The Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church is a parish church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York located at 207 West 96th…
The Calhoun School is a progressive, co-educational, independent school on New York City's Upper West Side, serving students from Pre-K…
All Angels' Church is located on 251 West 80th Street in the Upper West Side of Manhattan in New York City.
The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church is a Greek Orthodox church on Manhattan's Upper West Side at West End Avenue and West 91st Street.
York Preparatory School commonly referred to as York Prep School, is an independent, university-preparatory school in the Upper West Side…