Katmai National Park is een Amerikaans nationaal park in het zuiden van de staat Alaska, gelegen op het Alaska-schiereiland.
De Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes is een vallei binnen het Katmai National Park and Preserve in Alaska.
Brooks Falls is a waterfall located within Katmai National Park and Preserve in Alaska.
Lake Clark is a lake in southwest Alaska. It drains through Six Mile Lake and the Newhalen River into Iliamna Lake.
Het Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve is een federaal beschermd natuurgebied in de Amerikaanse staat Alaska.
Becharof Lake is a 37-mile long lake on the Alaska Peninsula. It is located 23 miles south-east of Egegik, in the Aleutian Range.
Naknek Lake is a lake in southern Alaska, near the base of the Alaska Peninsula.
Twin Lakes is a complex of two large lakes in Lake Clark National Park in the U.S. state of Alaska near the northeast corner of Lake and…