Národní park Katmai je národní park na jihu Aljašky, respektive na severovýchodě Aljašského poloostrova, ve Spojených státech amerických.
The Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes is a valley within Katmai National Park and Preserve in Alaska which is filled with ash flow from the…
Brooks Falls is a waterfall located within Katmai National Park and Preserve in Alaska.
Lake Clark is a lake in southwest Alaska. It drains through Six Mile Lake and the Newhalen River into Iliamna Lake.
Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve is a U.S. National Monument and National Preserve, consisting of the region around the Aniakchak…
Becharof Lake is a 37-mile long lake on the Alaska Peninsula. It is located 23 miles south-east of Egegik, in the Aleutian Range.
Naknek Lake is a lake in southern Alaska, near the base of the Alaska Peninsula.
Twin Lakes is a complex of two large lakes in Lake Clark National Park in the U.S. state of Alaska near the northeast corner of Lake and…