Esta catedral católica exibe a coleção Marcadé, composta por pinturas, esculturas e iluminação.
This impressive bell tower, dating back to the 15th century, became a symbol of the city. It was used to alert people in case of fire.
The Miroir d'eau in Bordeaux is a reflecting pool covering 3,450 square metres.
A Place des Quinconces, localizada em Bordéus, na França, está entre as maiores praças urbanas da Europa.Foi estabelecido em 1820 no local…
The Basilica of St Michael, is a Flamboyant Gothic church in Bordeaux, France.
O Monumento aos Girondinos, localizado em Bordéus, na Place des Quinconces, foi erguido entre 1894 e 1901, em memória dos deputados…
The Cité du Vin is a museum as well as a place of exhibitions, shows, movie projections and academic seminars on the theme of wine located…
Place de la Bourse is a square in Bordeaux, France and one of the city's most recognisable sights.
The Tour Pey-Berland, named for its patron Pey Berland, is the separate bell tower of the Bordeaux Cathedral, in Bordeaux at the Place Pey…
Bordeaux-Saint-Jean or formerly Bordeaux-Midi is the main railway station in the French city of Bordeaux.
The Basilica of Saint Severinus is a church built in Bordeaux at the dawn of the 11th century.In 1998, UNESCO designated the Routes of…
Grande Teatro de Bordéus, é um teatro de Bordéus inaugurado a 17 de abril de 1780, com a apresentação da obra Athalie de Jean Racine.
CAPC musée d'art contemporain de Bordeaux, formerly the Centre d'arts plastiques contemporains, is a museum of modern art established in…
Um mercado típico francês que é cheio de produtos frescos e locais, incluindo legumes, frutas, queijo, vinho, carne e muito mais.
The Museum of Aquitaine is a collection of objects and documents from the history of Bordeaux and Aquitaine.
Um pequeno cinema indie que oferece uma experiência fantástica para os visitantes devido à sua localização e um ambiente pequeno e…
The Place des Quinconces, located in Bordeaux, France, is among the largest city squares in Europe.
The Church of the Holy Cross is a Roman Catholic church located in Bordeaux, southern France.It was formerly the church of a Benedictine…
Société nationale des constructions aéronautiques du sud-ouest foi uma empresa aeroespacial francesa criada em 1936.
Restaurant, but tea and chocolate is also on the menu.
Lycée Montaigne is a senior high school/sixth-form college in Bordeaux, France.