Katedrála svätého Ondreja vo francúzskom meste Bordeaux je rímskokatolícka katedrála slúžiaca ako sídlo arcibiskupstva Bordeaux.
This impressive bell tower, dating back to the 15th century, became a symbol of the city. It was used to alert people in case of fire.
The Miroir d'eau in Bordeaux is a reflecting pool covering 3,450 square metres.
The Place des Quinconces, located in Bordeaux, France, is among the largest city squares in Europe.
The Basilica of St Michael, is a Flamboyant Gothic church in Bordeaux, France.
Monument aux Girondins je pomník v Bordeaux na Place des Quinconces, který byl postaven v letech 1894–1902 na památku girondistických…
The Cité du Vin is a museum as well as a place of exhibitions, shows, movie projections and academic seminars on the theme of wine located…
Place de la Bourse is a square in Bordeaux, France and one of the city's most recognisable sights.
The Tour Pey-Berland, named for its patron Pey Berland, is the separate bell tower of the Bordeaux Cathedral, in Bordeaux at the Place Pey…
Bordeaux-Saint-Jean or formerly Bordeaux-Midi is the main railway station in the French city of Bordeaux.
The Basilica of Saint Severinus is a church built in Bordeaux at the dawn of the 11th century.In 1998, UNESCO designated the Routes of…
The Grand Théâtre de Bordeaux is an opera house in Bordeaux, France, first inaugurated on 17 April 1780.
CAPC musée d'art contemporain de Bordeaux, formerly the Centre d'arts plastiques contemporains, is a museum of modern art established in…
Typický francúzsky trh, ktorý je plný čerstvých a miestnych produktov vrátane zeleniny, ovocia, syrov, vína, mäsa a ďalších.
The Museum of Aquitaine is a collection of objects and documents from the history of Bordeaux and Aquitaine.
Malé, nezávislé kino, ktoré svojim návštevníkom ponúka neobyčajný zážitok vďaka svojej polohe a malej útulnej atmosfére.
The Place des Quinconces, located in Bordeaux, France, is among the largest city squares in Europe.
The Church of the Holy Cross is a Roman Catholic church located in Bordeaux, southern France.It was formerly the church of a Benedictine…
Restaurant, but tea and chocolate is also on the menu.
Lycée Montaigne is a senior high school/sixth-form college in Bordeaux, France.