This garden was created decades ago as a gift from the Japanese government. There are various seasonal exhibitions taking place here.
Hammerschmidt Villa is a villa in the German city of Bonn that served as the primary official seat and primary official residence of the…
The Kunstmuseum Bonn or Bonn Museum of Modern Art is an art museum in Bonn, Germany, founded in 1947.
Palais Schaumburg is a neoclassical-style building in Bonn, Germany, which served as the primary official seat of the German Federal…
The Alexander Koenig Zoological Research Museum is a natural history museum and zoological research institution in Bonn, Germany.
The Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods is located in Bonn, Germany. It is one of 80 institutes in the Max Planck Society.
Posta Kulesi, Almanya'nın Bonn kentinde çok katlı bina. Deutsche Post holdingin genel merkez binası olarak kullanılmaktadır. 162,5 metre ile…
The Bundeshaus is a building complex in Bonn, Germany, which served as the Provisional Parliament House of West Germany, and thus the seat…
Birleşmiş Milletler İklim Değişikliği Çerçeve Sözleşmesi, Birleşmiş Milletler öncülüğünde imzalanan küresel ısınmaya yönelik…
The Bundesrechnungshof is the supreme federal authority for audit matters in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Federal Ekonomik İşbirliği ve Kalkınma Bakanlığı,, Almanya'da federal hükûmet bünyesinde bakanlık. 1961 yılında kuruldu.
Birleşmiş Milletler Üniversitesi, 1973 yılında Birleşmiş Milletler'in akademik ve araştırmacı bir organizasyonu olarak kurulmuştur.
The Federal Agency for Civic Education is a German federal government agency responsible for promoting civic education.
The German Bishops' Conference is the episcopal conference of the bishops of the Roman Catholic dioceses in Germany.
Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland is one of the most visited museums in Germany.
The Bundeshaus is a building complex in Bonn, Germany, which served as the Provisional Parliament House of West Germany, and thus the seat…
Alman Kalkınma Politikaları Enstitüsü, Almanya'da kalkınma politikaları alanında araştırmalar yapmak amacıyla kurulan kamu kuruluşu. 1964…
The National Association of German Cooperative Banks is the umbrella association for the cooperative banking sector in Germany.