This garden was created decades ago as a gift from the Japanese government. There are various seasonal exhibitions taking place here.
哈默斯密德别墅 是位于德国城市波恩的一座建筑。1951年至1994年,波昂是西德首都所在,所以哈默斯密德别墅是当时西德总统的总统府。有“波恩白宫”之称。哈默斯密德别墅是一座新古典主义风格建筑,修建于1868年。
波恩艺术博物馆 是位于德国城市波恩的一座博物馆,成立于1947年。博物馆主要展示当代艺术品。波恩艺术博物馆也是波恩博物馆大道的一部分。
Palais Schaumburg is a neoclassical-style building in Bonn, Germany, which served as the primary official seat of the German Federal…
柯尼希博物馆 是位于德国城市波恩的一座自然史博物馆,也是一座动物学研究机构。博物馆的名称来自于亚历山大·柯尼希,他捐赠给博物馆自己收藏的动物标本。博物馆开业于1934年,现在隶属于波恩大学,是世界最大的自然史博物馆之一。
The Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods is located in Bonn, Germany. It is one of 80 institutes in the Max Planck Society.
Post Tower is the headquarters of the logistic company Deutsche Post DHL with the two brands postal services for Germany Deutsche Post and…
The Bundeshaus is a building complex in Bonn, Germany, which served as the Provisional Parliament House of West Germany, and thus the seat…
The Bundesrechnungshof is the supreme federal authority for audit matters in the Federal Republic of Germany.
德国联邦经济合作与发展部 是德国联邦部委之一,位于波恩,于柏林设有第二办公室。
联合国大学 是联合国大会的附属研究机构,根据在1973年12月的联合国大会上通过的联合国大学创建决议而成立,扮演联合国系统与会员国的智库角色。总部位于日本东京,目前于全球12个国家里设有13个研究培训中心。
The Federal Agency for Civic Education is a German federal government agency responsible for promoting civic education.
The German Bishops' Conference is the episcopal conference of the bishops of the Roman Catholic dioceses in Germany.
Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland is one of the most visited museums in Germany.
The Bundeshaus is a building complex in Bonn, Germany, which served as the Provisional Parliament House of West Germany, and thus the seat…
The German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik is one of the leading think tanks for development policy…
The National Association of German Cooperative Banks is the umbrella association for the cooperative banking sector in Germany.