Medinet Habu

Yerel adıمدينة هبو
KonumUksur, Mısır

Medinet Habu is an archaeological locality situated near the foot of the Theban Hills on the West Bank of the River Nile opposite the modern city of Luxor, Egypt. Although other structures are located within the area and important discoveries have also been made at these sites, the location is today associated almost synonymously with the largest and best preserved site, the Mortuary Temple of Ramesses III.

The site of these temples included an inhabited human settlement since pharaonic times, which continued until the 9th century, by which time it was a Coptic center. The last remnants of the former town were cleared during the excavations at the end of the 19th century.

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Luxor: Medinat Habu & Valley of the Queens Private Day Tour en düşük fiyat 99 USD
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Adres Al Mahamed Bahri Al Okser, Luxor, Qena, Egypt

Koordinatları 25°43'10.919" N 32°36'3.546" E

Turlar ve Etkinlikler: Medinet Habu

Luxor: Medinat Habu & Valley of the Queens Private Day Tour

Mobil kuponu
Hemen onay
en düşük fiyat 99 USD

Luxor: Full Day trip to west bank , lunch, & sound and light

Hemen onay
en düşük fiyat 80 USD

Luxor: Medinat Habu & Valley of the Queens Private Day Tour

Mobil kuponu
Sıraya girmeden
Hemen onay
en düşük fiyat 152 USD

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