克里斯蒂安宫 登塔观光

本地名称Christiansborg Slot
位置哥本哈根, 丹麦 / 丹麥

克里斯蒂安堡宫 位于丹麦哥本哈根的城堡岛 上,前身为哥本哈根城堡 ,自完工以来即为丹麦重要的政治中枢之一。

标签 360度全景哥本哈根卡巴洛克建筑皇家住所议会宫殿城堡博物馆新巴洛克式建筑
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Christiansborg Palace @ Sygic Traveler
Copenhagen: Walking Tour with Danish Pastry 26 USD


The Royal Reception Rooms:
May - September: Daily 9 am - 5 pm
October - April: Tue - Sund10 am - 5 pm (closed Mondays)
(Tour in English daily at 3 pm)

The Royal Kitchen:
Mon-Sun: 10 am - 5 pm
Oct-Apr: Mon closed

The Ruins:
Daily: 10 am - 5 pm
Oct-Apr: Mon closed
(Tour in English on Sat at noon)

The Royal Stables:
Daily: 1:30 pm - 4 pm
Oct-Apr: Mon closed
(Tour in English on Sat at 2 pm)

The Palace Chapel:
Sun, Easter (Mar 19 - 28), all of July, and Autumn holidays (Oct 15 - 23): 10 am - 5 pm

The Theatre Museum:
Tue - Thu: 11 am - 3 pm
Sat-Sun: 1 pm - 4 pm

The Parliament:
There is free entrance to the public galleries during parliamentary debates. Otherwise, the Parliament can only be visited with a guided tour.


Combination ticket (the Royal Reception Rooms, the Royal Kitchen, the Royal Stables and the Ruins):
Adults: 160 DKK
Students: 140 DKK
Child under 18: Free of charge

The Royal Reception Rooms:
Adults: 95 DKK
Students: 85 DKK
Child under 18: Free of charge

The Royal Kitchen:
Adults: 60 DKK
Students: 50 DKK
Child under 18: Free of charge

The Ruins:
Adults: 60 DKK
Students: 50 DKK
Child under 18: Free of charge

The Royal Stables:
Adults: 60 DKK
Students: 50 DKK
Child under 18: Free of charge

The Palace Chapel: free

The Theatre Museum:
Adults: 40 DKK
Seniors, Students: 30 DKK
Children: free

The Parliament:
Free entrance to the public galleries while Parliament is in session. Free admission to the guided tours of the Parliament.

The guided tours are included in the tickets. Free tours of the Palace Chapel or the Parliament are available as well. It is not necessary to book in advance.


Wikipedia https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/克里斯蒂安堡宫

Official website http://kongeligeslotte.dk/en/palaces-and-gardens/christiansborg-palace.html

电子邮件 christiansborg@slke.dk

电话 +45 33 92 64 92

地址 Prins Jørgens Gård 1, 1218 Copenhagen, Denmark

坐标 55°40'32.578" N 12°34'44.591" E

行程和活动: 克里斯蒂安宫 登塔观光

Copenhagen: Walking Tour with Danish Pastry

26 USD

Copenhagen: Public 3-Hour Guided Walking Tour in French

64 USD

Best of Copenhagen Walking Tour-3 Hours, Small Group max 10

70 USD

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